The Stray Dog    –

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A puppy begins to open his eyes for the first time, very confused. He was surrounded by mud and dirt and many brown patches of grass. He looked to his left to see his mother, a german shepherd with vibrant colors and many interesting markings. He had closed his eyes and went to sleep, and woke up by himself. He then looked around. There were dogs everywhere locked in crates crying to be somewhere else than this dungeon. The puppy slams his small body weight into the crate door. After repeating this several times, he finally got out. He looked around, trying to see if their were any humans watching. There weren’t any. He then sprinted to the big glass door, which was ten times his size. It automatically opened, and he sprinted into the sidewalks beyond.

If you would like to, leave a comment on how you think the story should end. I am so excited to hear what you guys think! You can also give me some feedback on the beginning of this story.



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